Free SEO Friendly Image Sharing Sites List

Images have been around for many years and the best part is Google also loves it. Not only for quickly conveying the message but also for engaging visitors images play a vital role in search engines. This is a kind of stuff which is mostly get shared, liked and loved by people. In an increasingly visual society, images have become an important tool in transmitting knowledge. In fact, images have been used in many fields such as education, tourism, history, medical, or communication for a long time. But with the bang of social networks especially Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter the role of images has increased in many other fields such as promotion, branding, campaigning.
From SEO point of view, image sharing sites help in improving site’s traffic, create quality backlinks, improve site’s ranking plus helps in increasing referral traffic to the site, I explain you how? Once you post your business image on high domain authority website like Instagram or Pinterest which has a domain authority of 98 & 100. Then your site started getting links from these high domain authority websites. Hence Google spider crawl your posted site links and index your pages. After some time you can also check referral traffics from the image sharing sites in your site’s Google Analytics.
Image sharing sites provides one of the best ways to create quality deep back links. Today in this post, we are sharing with you a high Page Rank Photo Sharing or Submission sites list.
1. Twitter.Com
Domain Authority - 100
Page Authority - 97
2. Facebook.Com
Domain Authority - 100
Page Authority - 97
3. Pinterest.Com
Domain Authority - 100
Page Authority - 90
4. Flickr.Com
Domain Authority - 99
Page Authority - 95
5. Instagram.Com
Domain Authority - 98
Page Authority - 96
6. Picasa
Domain Authority - 100
Page Authority - 90
7. Tumblr.Com
Domain Authority - 99
Page Authority - 94
8. Photobucket.Com
Domain Authority - 94
Page Authority - 93
9. Imgur.Com
Domain Authority - 94
Page Authority - 93
10. Photoshop.Com
Domain Authority - 80
Page Authority - 83
Other Photo Sharing Sites -