Everything You Need To Know About Google Algorithm Update 2019

Google Algorithm Update from January 2019 has brought many fluctuations with rapid and unpredictable Changes in Google Search Engine Ranking. In 2018, Google Algorithm updates has affected the rankings of many websites. These changes were different for different countries, different languages, and different regions. It is not very Google Like to bring such sudden changes on such short notice. Website’s Content and Search Engine Rankings were impacted the most with Google Medic Update, as it was another way of optimizing the Search engine for better results in SERPs.Google never rests and keeps on working for its users and Search Engine Optimization professionals to bring new changes and latest Google updates. Just like 2018, a series of changes in Search Algorithm Google again bought new impactful changes with the beginning of the New Year. Google hasn’t confirmed about its latest Google Algorithm update yet. A lot of chatter is ongoing in SEO communities about the changes in their website ranking as some report a drip down and some report rise in ranking on SERP’s. This update was notified 15 days back around 5th, 6th& 9th January. These changes were discussed in online forums and communities. Search engine ranking was effected on such large scale for some websites that they fell almost 10 Ranks from the top rankers in their region in just a matter of 24 Hours.
What Tracking Tools have to say about the Search Algorithm?
According to SEM Rush Sensor, Volatility of SERP was very high 10th January 2019, as shown in the graph, this change depicts that there has been an impactful change in Google’s Algorithm. Google has not given any confirmation about its latest Algorithm update and it is not as surprising for Search Engine optimization industry as Google keeps on making changes without any prior and post-confirmation. Not all updates are notified to the users.
Impact of Google Algorithm Update
With respect to high Volatility in SERP on most of the Search Engines has bought unpredictable changes to certain websites. The only that matters is the quality of content they are putting on their website, evergreen, and authentic content is always given privilege. January’s update has bought significant changes to websites related to Real Estate, Food & Drink, Automotive Industries, pet & animal, law, government etc. This update is similar to Google Medic update in which websites related to health, real estate, law & government were mostly affected. The only thing they have to focus on is the Quality and regular content-updating on the website.
Recovery from the Google Algorithm update can be done by following E-A-T guidelines. Google shows websites in search Engine results with updates content and regular blog posting. To receive constant visitors on your website you only need to update old content with new content. The information which is useful for visitors will surely bring them back resulting high website traffic.
Key Elements
Bottom line is to ensure more meaningful, informative and authentic content on your website to rank in Google Search Engine Results. For any queries drop your comments below. Also Read: Important Points to Be Considered While Doing SEO of A Website